Thursday, May 17, 2012

birthday cards....

Matt has found a "cartoon" that hes in love with.  He loves to be sung to sleep by the theme song.  Today I caught him singing the theme himself. However instead of pronouncing it with the L sound hes using a R sound. Which is just fine but hes been doing this for a while and we just didn't know what he was saying.  He basically sings this off and on all day.

Well I decided that his first birthday party would be designed around this cartoon, BUT its pretty obscure.  So i just cant go to Walmart and pick up Mio and Mao plates napkins and so forth, even invitations. So we have to craft everything ourselves.....

My daughter and I have started on his first birthday paper invitations. 

I am not about to say that I am starting into "crafting with paper" because frankly I am not good at it, nor do I thoroughly enjoy it. I mean its fun to a point but the mere precision that it takes to make cards with the skill that my niece does, well I just dont have that ability.  However, there is something fun about construction paper and scissors.

Also, any project that I can get my oldest involved in is a plus for me because I have learned that once they turn a certain age, well, let's just say they will tell you if they don't want to craft with you. (Matt was about two months ago! That kid HATES crafts)

But Michelle has BEA-utiful print. Far better than I do. So I enlisted her help in the printing and the design of Matt's cards.

We dont have them done yet, But we have a nice start on them. :)