Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rock Gardens

A few years ago, I painted a rock garden recently i had a someone order 4 of these gardens, here was the process of painting them, I thought anyone
could paint these if they knew how to do it and had the time....

First i get some river rocks and wash them...
then i paint them all a single deep green almost a black.

i "map out" where the leaves are.
then i start trimming out the leaves in different shades of green...
"vein" the leaves then those are done....
step one of flowers.... four circles of flower petals
then i mark out where i want my leaves on the flower rocks to be, and process those leaves as i did the leaves before.
Flip them over and paint an inspirational word on the back

Trim out the flowers like i trimmed out the leaves and put a dot for the centers instead of veins.

find some rocks that are nearly round and make them into lady bugs
These rocks i made into Caterpillars, i'm not certain how well i like them but i think they are cute none the less
this is the finished order