Saturday, July 2, 2011

If your going to San Fransisco.....

My Daughters Grandmother recently went to Hawaii. She brought her back this beautiful flower to wear in her hair. its made of a plastic type foam. Michelle has loved it soo Much she has worn it daily, and constantly gets compliments on it.

This is the side view and how it clips into your hair.

At Riteaide we found the same "type" of flowers in a car air freshener. being the creative crafter that i am, I told her to pick up this package and i could whip her up a bunch more of these clips!

So we found some clips, these were made by scunci, and were like $5.

a quick disasemble and a touch of hot glue.

Now we ahve one large one (from Hawaii) and one medium and four small ones. the small ones she wears all at once in a bun so her hair is surrounded by the tiny flowers. SOOO pretty!

These beads are left they are going into her beading kit probably to make an anklet with later on.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this idea!