Round about this time of year i get sick and tired of soup, pot roasts, baked chicken. and i get ready for finger food and sandwichy type food. you know picnic stuff.
My mom is gearing up to leave on her RV trip of the year and she has started on the great freezer/ cupboard emptying. (she doesn't like to leave the freezer full, or the cupboards) So she sent me up a lovely pork roast.
So what do you do with a pork roast when you cant eat one more pork roast? easy turn it into PORK BBQ!!!!
When i told a girl at work today this is whats for dinner she asked me "how do you do that?" now oddly i still think this is stuff that people just KNOW. But i am trying to remember that not everyone has a passion for learning how to cook like i did nor did everyone have two wonderful cooks in their lives ( mom and my Mom in law) to help us learn on the way.
So I will pass this knowledge on to someone else!
First you are going to need some lean cooked pork. you can get this two ways. left over pork from a pork roast, OR you can do like i did and skip having the pork roast meal and move strait to leftover cooking! (I cooked my roast in a dry crock pot all day on high)
This is a half an onion. that i coarsely chopped and added 2 tablespoons of butter and cooked in the microwave. I could have cooked it in the pan before i added the pork, But i have had the tendency of burning my onions recently so i did it the "no burn" way. add these to your meat.

now you can do this two ways.... you can go to the store and buy a great BBQ sauce like the one pictured above. and just pour the sauce over the whole mess and stir,
ORRRRR for you cooking enthusiasts you can make your own sauce.
I am someone (along with another cooking friend) who is trying to find the ULTIMATE BBQ sauce recipe. we face book what we have tried back and forth and maybe together we can come up with our own very unique taste.
that actually started out as a necessity I ran out of BBQ sauce and wanted BBQ bad, so i went to work.
so far these are the ingredients i have in my own sauce. (no I'm not going to give the amounts as this is part of your OWN BBQ sauce journey) I will say the further down the list the less of it you need
yellow mustard
liquid smoke (a product that seems to be hard for me to find but I LOVE IT!)
put these together in varying amounts (always more Ketchup than mustard) and you will get BBQ sauce. What is the key? taste it as you make it add an ingredient and taste it. get them all in and then you will know what you have to add more of to get it the way you want it.
I make this for Royce when I have leftover pork and he loves it with just plain B-B-Q sauce, but any kind suits him. Daddy always made his but I don't think he ever wrote it down ,seems I remember him usinhg some brown sugar in place of molasses.I will have to ask Mom about that.
Brown sugar is molasses mixed with white sugar. I used h oney for the sweet, so i didnt wantt o add more sugar. I have made it with no honey and brown sugar instead. Im still tinkering with it
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