Saturday, May 1, 2010

Swallow's Plight

This AM I was watching my swallows build their nest.

The male picked up a piece of straw in his mouth the long way <---------> and flew up to the nest and tried to get this piece in the hole without turning it.

IN FULL "husband mode" it was if he turned to her who was sitting on the wire, and said, "It wont fit"

she then turned and looked at him as if to say "Yes it will, bring it here"

So down he flew to her. She looked at him and said "yes it will, go try it again"

He flew back to the nest and slammed his head to the hole four more times. Trying to get this piece of straw into the hole. He then flew off, and she was close on his heels.

I could only imagine his saying "No it wont!" and she saying "you get back here and get this finished!"


Cheryl said...

Now that was cute ! I can just see them talking to each other !