Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kittie tie blanket

During my illness I have received a TON of blankets, shawls, & quilts. I am also a blanket person so i have afghans everywhere. I have 4 on my couch alone. So when someone saw this kittie blanket the thought of me and even though I am grateful for the blanket, I simple did not have room for another blanket.

I also had a brand new blue fleece blanket put away that had also been a gift from a caring friend who brought it too me at the beginning of my illness. So I put them both together and converted both of thenm into one beautiful tie fleece blanket that will be INCREDIBLY warm. and I will donate this blanket to Project Linus so that someone who is still sick make have it and use it and be comforted by it.

I thank the two women who gave these to me and I hope they are not offended by the way I am choosing to put their gifts to use, after all they wished to comfort me I wish to comfort someone else with them.


Lou and Kathy said...

Neat idea, and I don't mind at all. It takes a blanket lover to think of such an idea.
Happy Mother's Day, I love you.