Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday favorites wedding ring

Friday favorite assignment is:

"For this week's Friday Favorites, help me to plan this season's projects and post about your favorite quilt block or quilt pattern and be sure to tell why it's your favorite!"

First things first I have never made a quilt so I don't know much about them but I do know what I like.

My personal favorite is the wedding ring. Some would say because I have had so many wedding rings myself... so maybe I feel it symbolizes my life, LOL! HAR HAR um no...

I think its because its not a lot of little boxes to make up one big quilt. It is one big masterpiece! All blocks joining together to make one big unity block.

At one time I was told by a certain quilter that "I don't sew curves" so this pattern was out. They sew curves now.... ;-) and they need new patterns??

How 'bout it Sue? Are you up for it?