Sunday, October 7, 2012

Green Tomato Jam

I haven't been blogging lately and im sorry, I have been busy making everything i could think of with my green tomatoes.

This is green tomato jam. Sounds weird? well yea a little. but really good.
heres how i did it....

i filled my 5 quart crock pot and cooked green tomatoes down in it twice. this took two days and it reduced both 5 quart batches to 1/4 of the amount so i only got maybe 3 quarts of cooked down tomatoes . then i ran them through my food mill. it was thick like a weird greenish brown spaghetti sauce.... and i added 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 a teaspoon of cardimum and three cups of sugar. I cooked it for another 8 hours or so

its tastes like a jam or a butter, but you get you mind saying wait is that tomatoes? yes i think it is... out of those approx 10 quarts i got 5 jars this size ... not a huge yield BUT very good and better than throwing them out...