Friday, August 31, 2012

I AM GREEN? when did that happen?

I had a girlfriend over the other day, and she was amazed at me.  no, im not just saying that i mean she kept saying "you amaze me!"

when i asked her what she was talking about (while i folded Matt's wipes) she said your wipes are green! you don't throw anything away! you are so organized!

now i bar far am not organized! i have toys all over my floor PILES of clutter here and there i feel like my life is a constant clean this mess or straiten that up.  but my home is very "lived in"  MY family would never accuse me of being "better homes and gardens clean"

after all while i sit here i just sat the SECOND package of Ramien noodles on my desk because Matt likes the crinkle wrapper and has brought me a second package along with various drinking glasses and creams and  "Matt don't touch" stuff.

but as i sorted out my old towels and my old rags i realized yea i guess i am green. not because i want to save the earth but because frankly I'm cheap as hell! paper towels are HUGELY pricey and i felt like i was throwing away money left and right. same with paper plates napkins etc etc.....

i don't think it was an over night thing, i think it started out as cleaning rags... and moved into cloth napkins ( i was teaching table manners) then  Matt's cloth diapers cloth wipes, now i recycle,  yada yada.... its not a thing you can just DO you do little changes to be a big change.

one little change.... I'm going to clean with old towels, instead of paper towels. is a HUGE step, and you never know where it is going to lead you.