Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Could be worse.... It could be raining!

Wait! IT is! wow it has POURED rain all night, and the forcast says 100% chance it will KEEP pouring!

I have a stream that behind the house, its not really big, most places you can wade across in capris and not get your pants wet. but today its UP! the furthest water in the picture is the actual creek bed. the rest of the water is where the feeder streams ( less than 12 inches across) have over flowed the tiny bed and run all over. and the main stream has broken its banks and have made an island around in a very old bed that at one time was occupied by a local beaver.
These storms never seem to affect my home, they just make the stream a bit deeper in spots. and well flood my basement. I amcertain that any one who has water in thier basement from time to time will need to get out the mops and such to dry the place out!
