Friday, February 19, 2010

sour cream dish

I went to my favorite second hand store yesterday, and I found a certain sour cream dish a certain someone has been looking for. We used to have the Mold to make this but it has vanished. Hard to believe it was just sitting there looking at me, with the same color paint on it i would have used!


Lou and Kathy said...

Whose initials were on the back? 2nd question - Was it the large potato or the small one and did the spoon come with it?

Krista said...

"RT" is on the back. the spoon came with it, and its 6 1/2 inches from end to end.

"RT" is also on the bottom of the spoon.

its an excellent pour job and an even better paint job.

Susan said...

Great find! Get all the deals you can...NTCH is closing at the end of March. :o(